&--Saturday, February 24, 2007 ; 12:12 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Friday night chill XD
loving you always ♥
oh just as i've expected. my history teacher was absent today. and guess what, we were let out earlier. at least i get to meet kitty which was really a rare chance. before that i had to meet ash to accompany him to sim lim to get his power box exchanged and it turned out that its working fine.
and we sat at kfc to slack for a few hours and as usual, kitty miss her les.
Labels: Personal Stuff
&--Wednesday, February 21, 2007 ; 4:47 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ yet another little stomp outing on tuesday.
loving you always ♥
oh this time its organized by Missgrins or just call her yvonne. lols. and poor macdee. she was supposed to come with us. but her parents didn't allow. and yeah zombified too. so heli, zul, raymondED and missgrins and myself met up. and so i met heli and von at plaza sing. had Macdonald's there and later zul caught up with us. and we took bus 16 to east coast part. sharp turns and frequent stops. damn i couldn't even take a rest in the bus. so yeah.

and after that, we went roller blading. hahas looks like all of us knows a little of it. zul wanted to blade all the way to the "gay bridge" which was like 5-6 km away. and we're 2 km off the starting point and we're half "dead" XD . so yeah we decided to head back.
thats raymondED in red, me, yellow and zul, white, von, just behind me and heli the photographer. looking at the construction site. lols
and were' back. yeah .
and after east coast park, as usual. we wanted to head down to orchard but raymond said too far. and the whole discussion lasted like 20 minutes? just to decide where to go. and yeah finally we chose parkway parade. thats like a few miles away from where we are. and we walked. lmao
and there we are. look at RaymondED. hahas always as comical as before. XD he does remind me of rayson, my classmate. yeah
oh and we decided to play 2 hours of pool. and heli owns as usual.

close to dinner. yeah and off we go hunting for pasta mania. =)
and after dinner. we headed down to suntec to meet kate (twinkle_toes) and home sweet home!
Labels: Personal Stuff
&--Sunday, February 18, 2007 ; 1:20 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ little outing on friday.
loving you always ♥
met up with missgrins, macdee, zombified, heli, devil and last but not least, Garfield.
macdee and missgrins was there first. then me and devil. lols later heli met me in popular. there were 5 of us. as usual. the boys were together and the 2 girls were happily chatting away. then we had late lunch and garfield and zombified caught up with us.
lunch became a tutor time for Garfield when he started taking out his amaths ws. and i decided to help him a little. the best of all, i didn't know zombified and missgrins added me on msn until i check the list again. and i was like errr. lols and macdee as usual. always by herself and entertaining the girls.
Labels: Personal Stuff
&--Thursday, February 15, 2007 ; 9:43 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Singapore Poly seminar for D&T students
loving you always ♥
thanks for the seminar that i've attended earlier in the afternoon. otherwise i would have to stay back for some chinese infocus. learn't lots of interesting thinking skills for designing and the process of designing an object or artifact. as well as some flash games and graphics. and in the design industries for every dollar invested, you'll earn an extra $0.76. and whats more? remember hello kitty? that cute cat without any mouth. its company is worth a whooping 1 billion USD. thats how successful it can be.
Product + Thing
Product + People = Use
Product + People + Context = Experience
Product + people + context + Time = Interaction
The trip wasn't too bad after all. learnt a skill to draw and think out of the box of what people require and not what they do not require. well its a fact though.
Labels: Seminars
&--Wednesday, February 14, 2007 ; 9:02 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ The World As I See It
loving you always ♥
- You will hardly find one among the profounder sort of scientific minds without a peculiar religious feeling of his own. But it is different from the religion of the naive man.
- For the latter God is a being from whose care one hopes to benefit and whose punishment one fears; a sublimation of a feeling similar to that of a child for its father, a being to whom one stands to some extent in a personal relation, however deeply it may be tinged with awe.
But the scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation. The future, to him, is every whit as necessary and determined as the past. There is nothing divine about morality, it is a purely human affair. His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection.Labels: Politics
&-- ; 6:33 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Valentine's day.
loving you always ♥
just completed my spud gun a few days ago. didn't dared to bring it out of house. lol but yeah it wasn't really working. though the ignition pin is in place. there were sparks. poured in butane gas but it didn't ignite.
and yeah todays valentine's day. caught up with ash and we headed down to tampines safra to meet bibiana. she and her bowling as usual. at least i get to see her and on valentine's day. so before i challenge her for a game of bowling i'll have to train on it before hand ;)
life's just shit in class. yeah hasn't been getting along with my classmates for a while. probably because they think english educated people are boastful. gah nevermind. just a matter of months and they'll be off my burden. accept for a few of them. the rest just need to grow up and mature.
Labels: Spud Cannon
&--Saturday, February 10, 2007 ; 12:13 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ completion of spud launcher
loving you always ♥
yeah man after a bloody week of cutting of metal and pvc pipes i finally got it in one piece. the first problem i encountered was the spark pin or i call it the ignition piston. couldn't find a suitable spot to place the spark pin. decided to glue them on the handle on the combustion chamber instead.
i was much afraid of launching an object as i had fears of tiny holes where flame comes off and burn my skin or worst, cause blindness. i'll leave that demo for my friend. ;) lols so that should be it for the day.
Labels: Spud Cannon
&--Tuesday, February 6, 2007 ; 10:30 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Time is precious
loving you always ♥
Quote of the week "
Life is a terminal condition. So do the best you can with the time you have left"
life is short. enjoy it while you can. there's no turning back. the universe is build in a way, where it goes from the orderly manner to a shattered unorderly manner. just like dropping a glass from a table and it breaks. is it possible to reverse the cycle of restoring the glass to its original shape? no. that explains why its impossible to travel in time. Labels: Politics
&-- ; 5:57 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ interesting physics lesson today
loving you always ♥
today was a brief introduction from my teacher on the topic. nuclear reactivity and radioactivity. it reminds me so much about the gamma ray burst and the cosmic expansion of the universe and stuff. he was like talking about nuclear bombs and the ones that were dropped on Japan during wwII
some would be wondering. whats exactly is Einstein's E=mc² ?
E would be the energy released
M would be the mass of the object
C² would be the speed of light [ ( 3 x 10^8 ms) x ( 3 x 10^8 ms) ]
in his theory. every mass have the potential to release energy. say, taking a kilo of pure uranium.
1 kilo = 1000g
we use the formula to calculate the energy produced from a 1kilo atomic bomb.
E = 1000 x (3 x 10^8)²
E = 3 x 10^19 Joules
thats equivalents to 3 solar energy mass of our sun. now lets recap on the atomic bomb that struck japan there 3 zones starting from the epicenter of the landing of the bomb
1st zone: 50km from the epicenter of the explosion, everything vaporises. you'll just disappear as if you never existed. why? the heat from the explosion is 3 times the temperature of the core of our sun.
2nd zone: probably 200km from epicenter. every living human beings skins start to peel off their body. melting off the cells and some even loses their legs or hands just fell apart. this zone's the worst.
3rd zone: probably 1000 km from epicenter. you'll feel nothing. but you'll soon realize your babies would have growth defects and mutations.
and yeah what if wwIII was fought by atomic bombs? that would be the destruction of mankind.
Labels: General Physics
&--Sunday, February 4, 2007 ; 12:43 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ saturday outing with stompers
loving you always ♥
caught up with viva, ash, heli, zul, jason and kath on saturday. so much fun and laughter with them. i was telling them a little about quantum mechanics and why humans couldn't walk through walls and bla bla and viva went confused. we all laughed when he gave that expression.

got a few pics. well haa. and took a pic with my god sister. hahas kate!. looks so mushy though. hahas.
Labels: Personal Stuff
&-- ; 12:30 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ the truth is out
loving you always ♥
caught up with a few stompers yesterday. talking about everything from space time to physics and people in stomp. a person whom i know, thought he was a great friend. talked to him, rather treated him as a good friend. but after a few days, i've realize that the enemy is within friendly zone. he wasn't as good as i thought. he's a scheming fella who's out to break relationships and friendships. he thinks girls would fall into his "pitiful" story that he's not gonna live long. common wth. aren't you a man. if you had to always talk bad about a person, come on down and stand against me. don't use girls against your enemies. you're just a loser. i'm gonna take you down for the sake of the others. just wait and see. you won't last.
Labels: Personal Stuff
&--Friday, February 2, 2007 ; 11:03 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Spud cannon underway (phrase 2)
loving you always ♥
after getting those pipes. gotta cut those materials such as the handle and the ignition piston to fix it to the cannon. the problem is, how far can the sparks jump from a point to the other to burn the fuel? hmmm? ended up with purchasing a few cans of butane gas for the combustion chamber.
Labels: Spud Cannon
&-- ; 11:03 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Spud cannon underway (phrase 1)
loving you always ♥
well here's a quote of the week. By Albert Einstein.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe"
Anyway, my long been waiting potato cannon is under construction. i've started off with getting a 450mm 3' inch diameter pvc pipe and a 850mm 2' inch pvc pipes. got them from school. next was to hunt for bbq ignitions that resembles a spark plug found in vehicles. ended up getting a spark lighter instead.

next went around looking for 3' to 2' reducer to connect my 3 inch to 2 inch pipe. wasn't too successful but i know I'll get it soon enough.
had the mainsite for the construction and faqs about these "bazooka" like cannons
Labels: Spud Cannon