Yet that picture is far from complete. Lying at the centre of our galaxy is a giant black hole more than 3 million times as massive as the sun. The black hole at the heart of Andromeda is believed to be 10 times the size. What will happen to these supermassive black holes during the encounter is anyone's guess.
Astronomers have recently started to find some clues, though. Most, if not all, galaxies have a supermassive black hole at their centres. Everyone thought that these hungry behemoths simply sat at the heart of their parent galaxies, vacuuming up gas clouds and ripped-apart stars. Now it seems they can go off sightseeing. A black hole can cut loose when two galaxies collide: their central supermassive black holes coalesce into a single object, and this can receive a tremendous kick in the process. Some supermassive black holes travel to the outskirts of their galaxy before returning home, others go into exile for good, catapulted unceremoniously into the lonely deep freeze of intergalactic space.
These new insights could explain some of the most puzzling observations chalked up in outer space. It's all thanks to new ways of modelling the complex distortions of space-time wrought by black holes' awesome gravitational power. Theorists have finally learned how to simulate the merger of two black holes (watch a narrated video of two galaxies merging), and the discoveries are coming thick and fast.
Labels: Cosmology
IF THE universe has weird extra-spatial dimensions in parallel to the 3D world we see around us, then billion-dollar particle accelerators may not be the only place to find them.
So say Gergely Gabor Barnaföldi and colleagues at the Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics in Budapest, Hungary, who propose that extra dimensions may show their face in areas of extreme gravity around dense stars. The concept could also solve a 25-year-old puzzle about the origin of mysterious particles emanating from a distant star system.
Some string theories predict that there are many more dimensions than the four we experience: the 3D world plus time. From next year, particle physicists hope to spot these dimensions at the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, Switzerland.
Instead, Barnaföldi's team looked to outer space for evidence of extra dimensions interacting with matter. They analysed the Cygnus X-3 binary system, in which a normal star orbits a second object, generally thought to be a neutron star.
Objects in Cygnus X-3 are under extreme gravity, which the researchers say would provide the necessary conditions for extra dimensions to affect matter. Moreover, it spews out ultra-high-energy particles as far as Earth, which the team say could have been tweaked by an extra dimension inside the system. Astronomers believe these high-energy particles, dubbed "cygnets", strike our atmosphere and decay into muons. Since 1981, underground detectors on Earth have recorded sporadic showers of muon particles coming from the direction of Cygnus X-3. The cygnets are a puzzle because no known particles could last the 37,000-light-year journey from Cygnus X-3 to Earth without decaying.
Some astrophysicists have speculated that these long-lived cygnets may originate in a quark star - a hypothetical star that may form when neutron stars collapse. If such quark stars contained a large number of "strange" type quarks, they might radiate out long-lived cygnets. The problem is that so many strange quarks in a star would make it collapse into a black hole.
According to Barnaföldi's team, the necessary stability could be provided by a universe-spanning fifth dimension rolled up into tiny "rings". In most places in the universe, this fifth dimension would not affect matter, but under the extreme gravity conditions inside Cygnus X-3 it could cause other types of quark to behave like strange quarks. "If we could watch these quarks, they would seem to travel along our three dimensions more slowly than expected because, at the same time, they have to circle round this invisible curly extra dimension," says team member Peter Levai. "Effectively they behave as strange quarks."
”If we could watch these quarks, they would seem to travel along our three dimensions more slowly than expected
Fridolin Weber, an astrophysicist at San Diego State University, California, likes the proposal. "Cygnus X-3 is perfect for searching for extra dimensions," he says. "It's basically a cosmic particle accelerator." But he adds that more evidence is needed to explain the cygnets' origin. The work will appear in the journal Astronomische Nachrichten.
Extracted from: New Scientist magazineLabels: Elementary Particles
They will face simulated emergencies, daily work routines and experiments, as well as boredom and, no doubt, personal friction from confinement in just 550 cubic metres (19,250 cubic feet), the equivalent of nine truck containers.
Communications with the simulated mission control and loved-ones will take up to 40 minutes, the time that a radio signal takes to cross the void between Earth and a spaceship on Mars. Food will comprise mainly the packaged stuff of the kind eaten aboard the International Space Station (ISS).
The goal is to gain experience about the psychological challenges that a crew will face on a trip to Mars.
Four of the crew will be Russian, and two will come from countries that are members of ESA, agency and Russian officials said at the Paris Air Show in Le Bourget.
In all, 12 European volunteers are needed.
A precursor 105-day study is scheduled to start by mid-2008, possibly followed by another 105-day study, before the full 520-day study begins in late 2008 or early 2009.
Backup for the two volunteers taking part in each of these simulations means that 12 Europeans are needed.
"The selection procedure is similar to that of ESA astronauts, although there will be more emphasis on psychological factors and stress resistance than on physical fitness," ESA said in a press release.
Men and women who think they have the right stuff can download the application form here.
The terrestrial Mars-stronauts will not get much glory for their confinement, nor will they get particularly rich.
They will get paid 120 euros (158 dollars) a day, said Marc Heppener of ESA's Science and Application Division.
Viktor Baranov of Russia's Institute of Biomedical Problems, where the experiment will take place, said his organisation had received about 150 applications, only 19 of which came from women.
"The problem is that it is very difficult to find healthy people for this kind of experiment," he said.
Assuming that Mars and Earth are favourably aligned, with their closest distance of 56 million kilometres (35 million miles), it would take 250 days to get there, 30 days spent on site to conduct experiments and 240 days for the return, said Baranov.
A trip to Mars is not an early prospect. The United States has set plans to return to the Moon by 2018 and later head to Mars, but without setting a date.
The trip is fraught with many technical challenges, many of which are outranked by the question of keeping the crew healthy and sane.
Contributed by: Staff Writers
Le Bourget, France (AFP) June 19, 2007
Labels: Astronomy
Labels: Accelerators
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Labels: Stars And Suns
Labels: Accelerators
Labels: String Theory
Labels: String Theory
"We added 12 percent to the total in the last year, and we're very proud of that," said one of the study team members Jason Wright of the University of California at Berkeley. "This provides new planetary systems so that we can study their properties as an ensemble."
The planets are among 37 new objects spotted within the past year. Seven of the objects are failed stars called brown dwarfs, with masses that dwarf the largest, Jupiter-sized planets but too small to sustain the nuclear reactions necessary for stellar ignition.
John Johnson of the University of California at Berkeley and his colleagues presented the findings here today at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS).
Astronomers don't directly spot extrasolar planets, but rather look for stellar wobbles caused by orbiting planets. The planet's size and distance from the parent star affect how strong or weak of a wobble, and more sophisticated techniques for measuring the stellar wobbles has led to an ever-lengthening list of such outer planets. Now they can detect wobbles of a meter per second compared with the 10-meter limit just 15 years ago.
Planet profiles
One of the exoplanets, orbiting a red M dwarf just 30 light-years from Earth, was discovered two years ago, but recent observations have allowed astronomers to pin down its mass, radius and density. The ice-giant planet circles the star Gliese 436 (GJ 436) and has a radius and density that are surprisingly similar to that of Neptune.
Weighing in at 22.4 Earth-masses, the exoplanet is the first Neptune-sized planet observed to transit a star. The previous record holder, dubbed HD 140926b, weighed in at 100 Earth masses, and Jupiter is 320 Earth masses.
"[Gliese 436b] must be 50 percent rock and about 50 percent water, with perhaps small amounts of hydrogen and helium," said head of the planet-search team Geoffrey Marcy, also of UC Berkeley. "So this planet has the interior structure of a hybrid super-Earth/Neptune, with a rocky core surrounded by a significant amount of water compressed into solid form at high pressures and temperatures."
Its 2.6-day orbit around GJ 436 means the hybrid planet circles very close to its star, just 3 percent of the Sun-Earth distance, and making it a hot Neptune. Unlike most giant planets found with such close ties to their stars, this planet has an eccentric orbit. The elongated orbit suggests the parent star could have another planetary companion with a more distant orbit.
"I'm sure people will immediately follow up and try to measure the atmospheric composition of this planet," Wright said.
GJ 436 is an M star and 70 percent of all stars are considered M-type stars, so finding that these dim stars can support planets could mean a boon for planet hunters.
Bigger is better
At least four of the newly spotted planets belong to multiple-planet systems, supporting the idea that at least 30 percent of all planet-parent stars have more than one planetary companion. Since smaller planets and those outside our solar system are trickier to detect, Wright predicts this percentage will continue to rise as detection methods improve.
And three of the just-discovered planets circle stars that boast masses between 1.6 and 1.9 times that of our Sun. Planets orbiting these so-called A- and F-type stars are typically difficult to detect because the stars rotate fast and have pulsating atmospheres.
Due to their extreme rotational velocities and high temperatures, A and F stars only jitter slightly from orbiting planets and so surveys can only pick up wobbles from super-massive planets and brown dwarfs in short-period orbits around these stars.
Johnson discovered that "retired" A stars, which have nearly burned all of their hydrogen and remain stable for a short stint, have slower rotation rates and are not so hot. That makes it easier for astronomers to measure their planet-caused wobbles.
Unlike planets orbiting M-type stars, these exoplanets tend to orbit at least 0.8 astronomical units (AU) from the parent stars.
For this reason, massive stars are more likely to harbor Jupiter-sized planets than are lower-mass stars, Johnson said. And retired A-type stars are twice as likely to support planets compared with Sun-like stars, which Johnson attributes to the fact that bigger stars start out with more material in their disks to feed planet building.
Labels: Astronomy