&--Saturday, October 20, 2007 ; 7:40 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ nuclear binding energy
loving you always ♥
Nuclei are made up of protons and neutron, but the mass of a nucleus is always less than the sum of the individual masses of the protons and neutrons which constitute it. The difference is a measure of the nuclear binding energy which holds the nucleus together. This binding energy can be calculated from the Einstein relationship:
Nuclear binding energy = Δmc2 For the alpha particle Δm= 0.0304 u which gives a binding energy of 28.3 MeV.

The enormity of the nuclear binding energy can perhaps be better appreciated by comparing it to the binding energy of an electron in an atom. The comparison of the alpha particle binding energy with the binding energy of the electron in a hydrogen atom is shown below. The nuclear binding energies are on the order of a million times greater than the electron binding energies of atoms.

Labels: Nuclear Physics
&--Sunday, October 14, 2007 ; 10:46 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Graviton?
loving you always ♥
The graviton is the exchange particle for the gravity force. Although it has not been directly observed, a number of its properties can be implied from the nature of the force. Since gravity is an inverse square force of apparently infinite range, it can be implied that the rest mass of the graviton is zero.
Labels: Elementary Particles
&-- ; 10:35 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Feynman Diagrams
loving you always ♥

Feynman diagrams are graphical ways to represent exchange forces. Each point at which lines come together is called a vertex, and at each vertex one may examine the conservation laws which govern particle interactions. Each vertex must conserve charge, baryon number and lepton number.
Developed by Feynman to decribe the interactions in quantum electrodynamics (QED), the diagrams have found use in describing a variety of particle interactions. They are spacetime diagrams, ct vs x. The time axis points upward and the space axis to the right. (Particle physicists often reverse that orientation.) Particles are represented by lines with arrows to denote the direction of their travel, with antiparticles having their arrows reversed. Virtual particles are represented by wavy or broken lines and have no arrows. All electromagnetic interactions can be described with combinations of primitive diagrams like this one.

Only lines entering or leaving the diagram represent observable particles. Here two electrons enter, exchange a photon, and then exit. The time and space axes are usually not indicated. The vertical direction indicates the progress of time upward, but the horizontal spacing does not give the distance between the particles.
Other electromagnetic process can be represented, as in the examples below. A backward arrow represents the antiparticle, in these cases a positron. Keep in mind that time progresses upward, and that a downward arrow is not a particle progressing downward, but an antiparticle progressing upward ( forward in time).

After being introduced for electromagnetic processes, Feynman diagrams were developed for the weak and strong interactions as well. Forms of primitive vertices for these three interactions are

Particle interactions can be represented by diagrams with at least two vertices. They can be drawn for protons, neutrons, etc. even though they are composite objects and the interaction can be visualized as being between their constituent quarks.

Labels: Quantum Mechanics
&-- ; 10:26 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Gluons
loving you always ♥
Gluons are the exchange particles for the color force between quarks, analogous to the exchange of photons in the electromagnetic force between two charged particles. The gluon can be considered to be the fundamental exchange particle underlying the strong interaction between protons and neutrons in a nucleus. That short-range nucleon-nucleon interaction can be considered to be a residual color force extending outside the boundary of the proton or neutron. That strong interaction was modeled by Yukawa as involving an exchange of pions, and indeed the pion range calculation was helpful in developing our understanding of the strong force.
Gluon interactions are often represented by a Feynman diagram. Note that the gluon generates a color change for the quarks. The gluons are in fact considered to be bi-colored, carrying a unit of color and a unit of anti-color as suggested in the diagram at right. The gluon exchange picture there converts a blue quark to a green one and vice versa. The range of the strong force is limited by the fact that the gluons interact with each other as well as with quarks in the context of quark confinement. These properties contrast them with photons, which are massless and of infinite range. The photon does not carry electric charge with it, while the gluons do carry the "color charge".

Within their range of about a fermi, the gluons can interact with each other, and can produce virtual quark-antiquark pairs. The property of interaction with each other is very different from the other exchange particles, and raises the possibility of gluon collections referred to as "glueballs". The internal state of a
hadron is viewed as composed of a fixed net number of quarks, but with a dynamic cloud of gluons and quark-antiquark pairs in equilibrium.
Labels: Elementary Particles
&--Thursday, October 11, 2007 ; 6:54 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Operation Marketgarden
loving you always ♥
Late summer 1944, after the invasion of Normandy by the Allied forces the front lines stalled at along the Meuse river and just beyond Antwerp in Holland. In Holland was the 21st Allied Army Group commanded by Gen. Montgomery. Gen. Bernard Montgomery was a famous general for defeating the German Afrika Korps commanded by Gen. Erwin Rommal in the sands of North Africa. American Gen. George S. Patton commands the armies along the Muese river and demands supplies so he can cross into Germany. In supreme command is General Eisenhower of all allied forces in Europe. Gen. Montgomery called Gen. Eisenhower to his HQ in Belgium to present a plan to out flank the formidable Rhine river and invade the Rhur river valley where all of Germany's industry is to end the war.
I leaped from the c-47 only to realise the flak shot it down just seconds later. "How bloody lucky i was to jump out" Well we missed the dropzone and we've drafted deep into enemy territory. Just a couple of yards away were enemy mg42 emplacements and some munitions stockpiles over at the bunker. Had a greased landing onto the grasslands just beside the woods. unpacked my chutes, unbuckle my harness and it was then i realise i dropped my legbag when i left the c-47. Loaded my M1 garand, checked my packs and got moving. I had my K rations in there as well as some garand ammo and my medikit over at my left legbag. Least i still have 2 morphines to stand by in case i was shot somewhere in normandy. "Thunder!" a faint voice from the woods. "crash" i answered. and there was sergeant Ramiraz of the 3rd platoon from the 506 PIR with his soldiers. "we've been spread out too far, missed the drop zones, surrounded by the Germans" So we rallied up to the sides of the woods, check on Ramiraz's map and found our location. We were 2 miles across the dropzone and a half a mile across the railway. over at the railway, we caught up with a few other guys from the 2nd platoon. And there, Captain winters, private Wayne and the others were there too. " First squad, on me!, 2nd platoon, take the left flank, Sargent Ramiraz will lead the way. Eldwin, take the right flank" said Winters. " Alright i want slow movements and keep up with the pace" I said to my squad.
Few miles up, you'll meet up with a German patrol. i want you all to take them down. 2 support gunner on the left, 3 mortars on the right, we will advance through the center, 4 miles to Chef Du pont. I don't know about the others, how they're doing, looking up in the night sky, i could just see the flames coming from the gliders getting shot by the flakes, as well as machine gun fires along side with the German flak vierling. Everything was in a mess, Artillery gun sounding, all that killed the silence of the night.
Labels: War
&--Wednesday, October 3, 2007 ; 6:17 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Spud cannon
loving you always ♥
My next coming up project for a spud cannon will be a full stainless steel body encased and build to look just like the American M18 Recoilless Rifle with a combustion chamber in it and mounting a scope to it for attraction. (
Image as shown below. )

A scope could be readily purchased in army shops around the island and mounting it would be simple with a little shopping to do in DIY shops like self fix, wal-mart or even home-fix.

I'll start off with planning the design of the body before bringing it to a factory and request them to do the making of it. So it should take no more than 2 weeks for the procedure.

Here's how the back of it would look like when you open the cap to fill the combustion chamber with combustible gas. Now here's the problem. How will the mechanism look like or how am i able to design one which looks exactly the same.

57 mm recoilless rifle

So there are a few reasons why a combustion powered spud will stop firing, most commonly, the residue from your propellant will build up on the contacts of your igniter and foul it enough to prevent it from working. sometimes the chamber can build up too much exhaust gas and not have enough oxygen to light. and sometimes you can build up too much unfired propellant in the chamber and it will displace all the oxygen. there are a few things you can do to keep your spud gun firing...
o clean the inside, especially the firing chamber, if you use ether or alcohol as a propellant this won't be required as often, but using things like spay glue or hairspray as propellant cause major fouling issues. spraying the interior with carb cleaner or brake parts cleaner should do the trick, and let it dry completely before using it again.
o air it out. let it sit with eveything open for a while so that all the built up gasses can circulate out. you can spray it out with compessed air from an air compressor (not "canned air" cleaning type spray, it will displace oxygen and defeat the purpose) or you can vent it by blowing in it. blowing in it is faster than letting it sit, but keep in mind that your breath has a high C02 content and will make venting necessary more frequently than using an air compressor would. i've seen bottled oxygen used to vent a spud gun, but keep in mind that the combustion becomes MUCH stronger if you do this.
o use better propellant. probably the best propellant for you spud gun is ether, this is found at auto stores and is labelled "starting fluid". go easy on it for the first few tries, because it packs a lot more punch than hair spray. using cleaner burning propellant will make keep your spud gun cleaner and more reliable. hair spray or aerosol glues /paints/ etc. generally leave a residue that causes poor performance in the long run. any type of alchohol, ether, or even gasoline (to use a liquid propellant, wet a rag with the propellant and wipe it on the interior of your chamber, then seal the chamber and give it a minute to evaporate) are better to use than hairspray /glue/ paint.
o if you are using an electric igniter, like a barbecue grill igniter or a fabricated static discharge igniter, make sure you experiment a little with the adjustment of it to ensure you are getting the best spark possible. better spark means a hotter and cleaner burn, and will improve not only the short term performance, but will also require less maintenance in the long run.
if you have any other questions you can post them here, or you can ask your local auto mechanic (a potato gun is very similar to a cylinder in your car engine, any mechanic who understands internal combustion thoery will understand potato gun theory as well)
as a final note, use your spud gun responsibly and don't give the stupid liberals more reasons to try and limit our rights to build and bear arms ;)
Labels: Spud Cannon
&-- ; 12:24 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Study till night!
loving you always ♥
Met Jaslyn at seng kang today at 3 pm and we moved over to mcdonald to study instead. Jon came over to meet us at 4 plus and it was a great day! i've managed to complete my maths paper as well as my add maths tys. So i talked to jon about laws since he's studying it in uni, later caught up with rex who was my primary school mate. Been a long time since we met. Mugged till 10Pm! What a great day!
Labels: Personal Stuff
&--Monday, October 1, 2007 ; 2:11 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ A day of sunday
loving you always ♥
I woke up late and it was already 11 plus when i look up at my clock. That was when i realise i have been sleeping even though my alarm clock was nest to my right ear. And i promised Jaslyn that i would see her in the library at 9 in the morning and i broke my promise... nevermind not only that, so i drop by later at 2 in the afternoon. and my parents went over to simlim square to get some stuff as well as some blank dvds. So jas asked if i was able to go jon's house for a party. subconsciously i agreed when i arrived at the library. She packed her stuff knowing that i was going with her. (she could have continued mugging) She was mugging ealier. and i met garffy and clement too! i didn't see shimin and khairul though their stuff were there. And later i remembered i promise my parents that i'll accompany them today since they'll be going out for some shopping at orchard while at the same time, i promised jas that i'll take her to jon's house. So i was like trapped between 2 situation and ended up meeting my parents instead. Sorry Jaslyn! i'll owe you a treat next time! haha. At that point of time, i really felt bad and it was then i know jas was indeed an understanding person. I'm so honored to have such a good friend :)
And when i got back, i realise my vista was getting real bad. i was running a 64 bit vista ultimate when i realise i couldn't install certain drivers like my sata 2 ports as well as my network driver and leadtek graphics driver. Bloody hell thats why i couldn't play F.E.A.R on my new os. So i switched back to xp. took me 2 hours to get everything done. Finally, yeah i got it working like a charm and installed sabayon linux as a 2nd os dual booting with grub.
Labels: Personal Stuff