loving you always ♥
There's the guy named Rankie who apparently wasn't quite happy about some of my comics posted in this blog and started to harass me and tried calling my handphone a couple of times. Such an irritating fag who's simply a coward and yet he wants to settle things with me by fixing a time and date where he told me he wanted to meet me at Bugis MRT. So i agreed and the next day i waited for him at the station platform. The first place was supposed to be Haji Lane but i waited at the control station cause i knew he had to pass by that area. And he didn't turn up! LMFAO

The best thing is that he called me a coward saying that i only hide behind keyboards insulting him. I was like LMFAO "YOU HADN'T EVEN APPEAR IN ANY OF OUR OUTINGS AND YET YOU WANT TO TALK BIG?"
Oh yes, he's also fat and people normally jogs around him for exercise. thats how fat he is.
He said i was ugly but he forgot he's no better than an ogre with an oversized tee just like some low life scums you'll see along the streets looking for trouble at any instances.