&--Thursday, July 31, 2008 ; 11:33 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ I miss Nick!!
loving you always ♥

I miss my classmate nick.. He's been in hospital for these 3 days cause he has got an air bubble in his lungs which caused him to feel breathless. I just hope he'll be fine after lung stabbing. Take care of yourself alright? hope to see you in school soon! He's one tall and friendly guy who loves playing DJ max on his psp. hahas a day without him would prove that we will never have a day of fun with him.
&--Monday, July 21, 2008 ; 6:38 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Fight for believe or fight to save humanity?
loving you always ♥

I think, it should be time we humans look into the universe as a bigger threat to humanity and all life on Earth. We all know, most of us; that the universe has a wide variety and countless numbers of asteroids looming the vast vacuum. Asteroids as tiny as a speck of dust, or even as large as texas, perhaps more? And these stuff are travelling at insanely quick. Imagine a .30 caliber travelling at a speed of x when you shoot it from a rifle, in comparison, an asteroid travels 60 times of x. which is, 60 times the speed of a moving bullet. Thats how fast it travels. And if one were to hit earth, There'll be a huge consequence in that.
I know there many ideas out there which could possibly save us from such threat. But obviously there are some which are not ethical or it would only cause more harm. Here's an example.
In movies such as Armageddon where a group of guys simply rocket out to space, land on the asteroid and nuke it into half and that splits it into 2 which would deflect away from earth. But.. that doesn't seemed to be the case. Normal explosives won't blow a chunk of rock into 2 equal piece, instead, it would be blowing it up into smaller rocks which might inturn cause more harm to the earth.
Asteroids which are as big as Singapore and if it were to collide with earth. Here's what would happen.
#1) The minute it enters the exosphere, it starts burning at intense heat such that if you see it coming towards you like a meteor shower, you'll get fried on the spot.
#2) The Huge tidal wave if it hits the ocean
#3) A massive earthquake which would be felt worldwide, and the explosion would hurl massive amount earth crust into the atmosphere, blocking off all light and you'll see a series of burning huge chunks of rocks like rockets over the skies, soon, the heat would completely destroy the ozone layer, causing harm to most living organisms.
#4) the ocean's ph value would drop to 1 as sulphuric based substance from the earth get into contact with the ocean.
#5) those who lived through the nightmare would find the earth back to prehistory where its totally inhabitable and it just be like an alien planet.
Most of us knows that apophis would be the next thing we should be wary of and whether it would strike earth or not. However, there are plans where by instead of blowing up the asteroids, we would send a spacecraft towards the incoming asteroid, with much of the craft's gravitational full, deflect the asteroid's path away from Earth. possibly avoiding "judgment day". Till then, its still a theory and not confirmed to be the best solution to save ourselves from such threat.
Labels: Fate Of Mankind
&-- ; 6:24 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Body building and training for national service
loving you always ♥
Just last week friday i started working out at my school's gym with a couple of my classmates; there's me, Hongwei, Bruce, WeiKiat and Hanfeng. We did 9 machines in total, 3 sets of 15 counts each for every machine, mainly upper body training. Its been a week or so since i last workout so that day was really tiring. But who cares man, ENDURE! xD
After a while Hanfeng had to leave since he got to meet his friends so after were done with all the machine we rest for a while before continuing over again but this time just doing 1 set but HongWei did 3 sets of each again. Sheese he's damn fit lah. LOL

So after like 2 hours of workout we went to run at the track and field 5 rounds straight without stopping. Yeah Hongwei was encouraging us all the while to continue running, and bruce sure has got stamina even for his size hahas.
I'll just wished i had more time for training with school ending so late almost everyday, its getting harder for more recreation activities with friends. I just love hanging out with my classmates. They are one bunch i'll never forget in my poly life. I'll sure to miss them if we were to split class next year supposing we take different routes. :(
Labels: Personal Stuff
&--Wednesday, July 16, 2008 ; 9:46 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Dumbfuck got exposed on the train
loving you always ♥
Well just yesterday on 6th july 2008 i was heading home after a long day at school from dover and yeah i was standing by the entrance of the carriage of the MRT train. there were 2 malay girls standing over at the other side.
Now here's what happened. A middle aged man, probably of age 56+ or close to 60; entered the train as well. he was leaning against the middle hand railings between me and the 2 girls at the other exit. he was using his phone and i was just observing him since i was bored shit. I noticed him swiping open his phone's camera lens and he was targeting the phone to the 2 girls. I knew he was going to take pictures of them without their authorization. So i knew for sure he had already taken them, but at that moment i didn't take action, but i called my friend and asked if i could arrest him for out rage of modesty. My friend agreed and approach him and ask him to KINDLY delete their photos. Of course, he overheard my conversation with my friend(on the phone), and within seconds, he had those images deleted (He was fast. but it was no use).
So next thing i knew, he approached me and ask me to check his phone to see if the girls images are in it. He said "I got take their photos meh? what evidence have you got to prove?" i was like, wtf? you have just self pwned yourself you silly chinese shitface!. So i said to him "Why are you asking me to check your phone? did i mention you have taken any photos of anyone? You guity ar?" he couldn't answer me and he got pissed while i remained calm.
(There's much more quotations since the "conversation" continued but i try and shorten the story until i've gotten videos from people in the train who filmed the whole scene.)
So i said, "I'm sure. You have already deleted the photos way before i could approach you. Of course you would be more than willing to show your phone to me."
He replied, "Why i cant take pictures of people? did i take upskirts of them?" (See he admitted. He used the word "people" as a wildcard to not admit that he has taken pictures of the 2 girls and use that as a reasoning tool.)
"Hey boy, you don't anyhow claim that i take pictures of the 2 girls. I can call the police for you, bothering me. Where are your witness? we go police station lah (He asked around for witness but everyone was quiet *typical singaporeans.*)" He said to me in a submissive tone.
Thinking that using the word police would scare me off, i told him "SURE! lets head to the police station to clarify matters. I WOULD BE more than willing to aid the police in an investivation of a possible pervertic man on board the train." (I know that directly referring him to a pervertic man would mean that he could ahve me charged me for slander)
And just after that, i said, "Omg laotiko on board the train to myself" and he blew up and said "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? WHAT LAO TIKOH YOU ARE SAYING?............." and i stood there listening to all his swears, vulgarities and abusive language and i smiled to him all the way while he scream at me. he said FUCK, 42 times and finally someone take action and tried to stop him. So he said to me, "You fucker you lucky this is singapore or else i will bash your face" This was enough to land him into deep shit.
So i would have said "
why did you get so agitated if you didn't do anything wrong in the first place? I never accused you, why tell me? Why don't you tell the girls over there you didn't take their photo? is it cause i saw something they didn't see?
" "IF you are capable, i want you to do what you have did in from of the police later"
Now the train reached outram and he said "Stop bothering me, i have my kids to look after"
"Don't you dare run away. i thought you will be following me to the police station?" i said as i left the train with him and he gave all sorts of excuses to evade me. he said he has his son photos and thats all and shiot and i told him "Don't share your personal stories with me. I'm not interested in hearing them."
He said "Who are you and why are you bothering me" i told him, "Who are you to know my identity? " He thought i was a police recruit. so i gave him a warning, "I'm going to let you off now since you have deleted the girls photos. The next time i catch you doing the something similar, i'll have you detained on the spot."
Welcome to Eldwin Schrodinger's blog. Feel free to drop a message at my shoutout :)
Honda Civic
Black and white flop flops
Gen 2 ATN Monoculars
Asus eee pc
Oakley shades
Macbook pro 17"
ipod touch 2g
iMac 24" desktop pc
Logitech 5.1 system
1x30 Acog Chevron Scope
20nM Green laser
8th - Eldwin,Stephen H.
14th - Nicholas Anthoney
17th - Wei Cheng Heng
21st - Richard D. Winters, Tiffany Chen
24th - LiHuang
26th - Mette Jørgensen
5th - Jing Song
14th - Michelle Leong, Fang Qing
3rd - Cheryl Tan(DMIT),Leon Rheeder
8th - Jason Chng
15th - Rina
17th - Lim Jun Yi,Tong ShiHui
22nd - Khazrol
23rd - Peiwen Kwok
25th - Qing Ren
3rd - Cheryl Cheang
2nd - Evelyn Chua
8th - Ivy Toh
11th - Richard Feynman
18th - Kellyn Wee
21st - Gwendolyn khong
27th - Mum's Birthday
29th - Milissa Qce
30th - Param Charleston
4th - Cecilia Kong
9th - Clarence Wong
11th - Rachel Ong
18th - Jaslyn Ng
3rd - Chelsea Low
11th - Mira
13th - Nadya Wijaja
19th - WanFong
12th - Erwin Schrodinger
16th - Kieran Lim
23rd - Min Er, Wei Kiat
30th - kristin
31st - ZhengWei
8th - ManYong
9th - Alexia Ang
21st - Jon Tan,Rayson Choo, Lim Wei Jie(KP)
26th - Prescilla
28th - Nadzirah(SP)
3rd - Jessie Ho
7th - Neils Bohr, PooSiang
9th - Meryl Cho
14th - Dwight D. Eisenhower
19th - GuanTing
1st - Pearson Wu
5th - Syikin
6th - Chik Jun Qi
12th - Candy Yeo
14th - Velvet May
23rd - Dad's Birthday
1st - Estelle
2nd - Michelle Chong
18th - Juyee Ong
21st - Cheryl Lai
23rd - Janice Tan
24th - Catherine,Marshall Lok
26th - Corrine Lau
30th - Alvin Khong
31st - Cecilia knudsen
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