&--Thursday, January 29, 2009 ; 1:43 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Whats on cny ay?
loving you always ♥
Definitely not a good year in 2009 but i'm sure the economy would catch up by 2010, if it isn't for family and stuff i wouldn't be bothered with celebrating; managed to get around 300 bucks off the red packets i've gotten while visiting, not too much though but i'm gonna save em' up for some good use later. So whats my new year resolution? "Hope she'll get herpes off a willy and die from it." Yeah i was serious about that. Just before cny i got pissed over some lads who were talking bout me well not lads but just someone. I was thinking, its been about 3 years or so yet she couldn't get over with
it( i'll explain later). she, along with a few others were in a mass conversation, so she said she hates me and that she said i was a despo (i know whats going on). So when i knew about it i was like "whut>? da bitch's bitching again!" So i asked to "get into the conversation" to check whats going on. So yeah finally i was added in and i said "So been talking about me huh? who's that fucker?".
And it all started there and she brought back all the past thinking that she could take the mickey out of me. Well i don't think its that simple she's probably just lonely and seeking for some attention. It was late in the evening when it all started. I was like, damn whats with all these bickering cant you get over it its been 3 years since we broke up. She said i sucked and was ugly and that no girl would want me for that. I was like "Geez sif you were fucking gorgeous lmao". I was actually thinking, " Damn i was so bloody blind when i was 3 years younger if i knew i would rather date a donkey". She broke up with me back then cause i was going after 2 other girls so she got jealous about it. When i first knew her i thought she would be a nice, demure and quiet sheila but hell it was the opposite. And to fuck it all up, she's hell emotional and i hate such people cause it's plain stupid. Going back to the topic of the 2 girls, yeah i bet she bad mouthed me to the them. I knew ashie was into this he's quite a twat too so sod it ive blocked and deleted him off messenger though. Whats more, a bunch of coward pricks who doesn't stand up to the problem and take sides, i hate friends who simply couldn't decide rights and wrongs. She started it all and she'll better be the one to apologize. i'm not someone who hold grudges but i will if you cross the line. I'm sure i'll forgive her so long as i get an apology. Thats what i promised a
friend but lets see how this turns out.
&--Saturday, January 17, 2009 ; 10:12 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ damn pompholyx skin itch
loving you always ♥
well just today was on my com checking on the net. Just a while later i saw lil bubbles growing on the top of my right fingers just slightly near the knuckles. I swear it itch like mad. So what i did was, i got myself a sterile needle and poke on the bubbles and there were colorless fluids coming out from them and it still itch, so i scratched till there were wounds on it. It still itch... I got really pissed and took the nail polish removal, poured it on a sterile gauze and place it over the "bubbles" (its later known as pompholyx). Bloody hell! NOW IT HURT LIKE SHIT! and i place the gauze over it for like a minute and i was like "DAMNIT SHIT OUCH!" LOL!
After a minute it got better and the itch went off. What a relieve!

Here's some pics of what pompholyx looks like.

&-- ; 12:19 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ 532nm laser testing
&-- ; 12:18 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ LHC - Brief Introduction
loving you always ♥
Well have you all heard of particle accelerators? I bet most of you do and the next thing is, where are they located?
There are a few operating ones today which ranges from linear accelerators to circular ones which spans several kilometers
A well known linear accelerator would be SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) and the latest upcoming largest
Proton-antiproton collider would be the LHC (Large Hadron Collider). Spanning a huge aerial distance of 27km located at Geneva.
In theory, its said that this machine is capable of producing the elusive Higgs Boson which is the last particle in the list of the standard model.
There are 6 main detectors built along the accelerator. ATLAS(A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS),ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment),
CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) , LHCb and f which stands for 'beauty' and forward respectively.
So how it works or what actually happens. Here's a rough guide.
1) Imagine a torch shooting hydrogen atoms in a orderly manner and these particles are injected into LINAC2 where the electrons are stripped off the hydrogen atoms, leaving the protons particles behind. (Stage 1)
2) These protons are then accelerated at 1/3 the speed of light and exits the LINAC2 accelerator and goes into the boosters where its approx 170 meters in circumference. (Stage 2)
3) The booster then accelerates the protons to 91.6% the speed of light and being packed together before leaving the booster for the proton synchrotron which is of about 600+ meters in circumference. (Stage 3)
4) After circulating for 1.2 seconds around the Proton Synchrotron and reaching 99.9% the speed of light. Its here, that the point of transition is reached, Hence the energy from the pulse cannot increase the speed of the particles as it has already reached its max speed.
5) Instead, increasing the mass of the proton. the energy of the particles is measured in ElectronVolts(eV) and in this point, the particles have reached 25GeV and is 25 times heavier than what it was at rest.
6) The protons are now channeled to the Super Proton Synchrotron which is 7km in circumference. Its main purpose is to increase its energy to 450GeV. (Stage 4)
7) Its ready to enter the Large Hadron Collider which mentioned earlier, is 27km in circumference.
8) The particles are now travelling so near the speed of light, it goes around the lhc 11000 times per second.
9) Its now that each proton has energies of 7TeV! Thats 7000 times heavier than a proton particle at rest.
10) When 2 protons at this stage collides, it will produce energies of 14TeV and simulates the event of the big bang and the particle tracks of the collision course is analyzed by super computers around the lab.
Where we hope that these tracks give us and answer to how our universe has evolved and what would happen in the future.
&-- ; 12:17 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Space Mining
loving you always ♥
In the near future, we humans would need more natural resources to power our ever growing population and technological advancement.
It was once said that within 60years, our fuel sources, such as coal, gas and crude oil will be depleted. We do not want that to happen.
Thus, there's a need for us to look into Space Mining. From my careful observation, i've gathered few information on gas giants around our solar system.
I'm quite intrigued by Jupiter's abundant resource of He3 fusion fuel for Daedalus, some 30,000 tons of it. Daedalus was a space vehicle from a proposed
Orion project back in 1960s. See here => http://www.totse.com/en/technology/space_astronomy_nasa/advprop.html
Unfortunately, Jupiter's strong gravity is far beyond the abilities of solid-core fission rockets, stretching the capabilities of gas-core rockets in
terms of thrust-to-weight ratios. How about the other gas giants?
Planet//mass (Earths)//radius (km)//P-mag (sec)//P-hydro (sec)//Eq. velocity (km/s)//Orbital vee (km/s) delta vee (km/s)
As you can see Uranus has the most forgiving gravity field, but Neptune and Saturn aren’t out of reach either, and Saturn has proximity to the Sun and Jupiter, for gravity assists, in its favour as well as Titan, a moon with a dense atmosphere and decent gravity. The Daedalus study assumed floating factories at the 0.1 bar level in Jupiter’s atmosphere serviced by gas-core automated shuttles, but if there’s enough need for them volatiles from the big planet atmosphere can be scooped and shipped up for processing at an off-world base.
Scoop-ships could also allow starships to be self-fuelling. I have just received an issue of the October 1973 “Analog” - the one with a gorgeous Rick Sternbach cover of two Enzmann starships and the Cover article by G. Harry Stine, “A Program for Star Flight”. It’s quite a memorable article as Stine was arguing for a star flight program to begin c.1990, and the development of a massive in-space industrial base to support the effort. His initial phase would study the nearby stars with Lunar interferometers, then launch million-ton space-probes at 0.9c, and finally launch ten-ship fleets of Enzmann starships (roughly 12,000,000 tons each, mostly deuterium fuel.) Quite a major effort, but he optimistically costs it at $100 billion (in 1973$.)
A few problems arise - 0.9c from Orion-style pulse drives is a touch unlikely, even with mass-ratios over 1,000 - but over all the concept is sound. Magnetic sails might change the approach, but the basic idea of attaching starships to huge masses of propellant, rather than big tanks, is a good one. However I have read that hydrogen and deuterium ice are mechanically like Jello and thus utterly useless as envisaged. Lithium-6 is a fusion fuel and pretty strong at cryogenic temperatures, so it might be the fuel of choice. Either that or carbon nanotubes might allow very, very light weight tanks to keep deuterium Jello in. The 12,000,000 ton starships probably mass just 120,000 tons empty (the design needs BIG mass ratios for speed), but the size Stine quotes is all wrong. Deuterium’s density is 0.16 relative to water, yet the fuel sphere is described as 1000′ across meaning a density of ~ 0.8, some five times denser than deuterium Jello. A sphere 1,710′ across will do nicely.
Refining out 12,000,000 tons of deuterium from a gas giant will be quite a task. Since deuterium is about 1/2000th of the abundance of protium in Jupiter some 24 BILLION tons of hydrogen will be sifted through to collect the fuel. Bit of a tall order, but inevitable when you’re trying to fit 2,000 people on a starship that’s over 2,000′ long and push it through a delta-vee of 0.3 c.
Actually I don’t know the empty mass of the Enzmann starship is 120,000 tons which is a touch frustrating since I’m paying attention to details here. What Stine does say is that the probes will hit 0.9 c with a mass ratio of ~ 1,000, and the starships will hit ~ 0.3 c (thus a delta-vee of ~0.6 c.) A bit of non-relativistic maths, and assuming the same exhaust velocity, means the starships have a mass-ratio of 100 (=1000^(0.6/0.9).) Now fusion reactions don’t make enough particles with sufficient energy to get that sort of exhaust velocity (about 0.13 c), nor are Orion pulse-drives 100% efficient (~25%?) More realistically an Enzmann starship will hit 0.08-0.15 c which is respectable for a fusion-drive.
Author: crowlspace.com
&-- ; 12:15 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ An answer to artificial gravity?
loving you always ♥
Ever heard of the Stanford Torus? Or the popular Halo game series of that ring shape world. Now lets look into physics. I know, its totally absurd or not in our technology to construct a super structure like that of the novel "RingWorld" by Larry Niven. But i'm not saying its impossible. For something "less" gigantic,lets look at the Stanford Torus. Supposedly driven round creating artificial gravity centripetal acceleration seems rather convincing that between 0.9g and 1.0g of gravity is produced. But what happens if you were to be standing on this ringworld and when its spinning you walk around it. Its no doubt he feels gravitational effect.
1) What if, he were to throw a ball up in the air? Not only throwing up but there's wind blowing the ball forcing it backwards. The problem is that i don't see how this ball is ever gonna come down and that gravity only functions when you are in contact with the spinning craft or object.
2) Now what if, you were to stand still on the spinning ringworld. and facing the opposite direction of the spinning ring, you throw the ball almost or about the speed of how fast the ring rotates; in the opposite direction. The ball will be floating in thin air until it comes in contact with the ringworld.
Why is that so? The "gravity" made my the ringworld is just an artifact of a rotating frame of reference. Hence, there is no force acting on anything, imagine you were to look out to the window of the spinning ringworld and not looking out. Anyway since there is no force acting, the ball will move in a straight line as the ground moves in a circular arc toward the ball so it will appear that the ball is falling but actually only staying at its rest position until it hits the ground. Even so if there were to be air in the ringworld enclosed in a dome, i doubt air would be "rotating" just like the craft.
In a nutshell, to conclude that centrifugal as a potential answer to artificial gravity. The answer is, Yes you can. But you cant simulate perfect gravity cause its not gonna be constant. XD