&--Saturday, March 28, 2009 ; 12:32 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Deutschlandlied
loving you always ♥

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, Germany, Germany above all,
Über alles in der Welt, Above everything in the world,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze When always, for protection,
Brüderlich zusammenhält, We stand together as brothers.
Von der Maas bis an die Memel, From the Maas to the Memel
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt - From the Etsch to the Belt -
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, Germany, Germany above all
Über alles in der Welt. Above all in the world.
Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue, German women, German loyalty,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang German wine and German song,
Sollen in der Welt behalten Shall retain in the world,
Ihren alten schönen Klang, Their old lovely ring
Uns zu edler Tat begeistern To inspire us to noble deeds
Unser ganzes Leben lang. Our whole life long.
Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue, German women, German loyalty,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang German wine and German song.
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Unity and law and freedom
für das deutsche Vaterland! For the German Fatherland
Danach lasst uns alle streben Let us all strive for that
Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand! In brotherhood with heart and hand!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Unity and law and freedom
Sind des Glückes Unterpfand; Are the foundation for happiness
Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes, Bloom in the glow of happiness
Blühe, deutsches Vaterland. Bloom, German Fatherland.

I'm not nazi or what so ever but i just wanna share my most favorite National Anthem of all time. And here it is. Sing and enjoy the anthem (:

Deutschland Über Alles - Zillertaler Türkenjäger -

&--Thursday, March 26, 2009 ; 8:17 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Singapore's national Anthem? Should we change?
loving you always ♥

I have been wondering for a few months, Should we, Singapore, have a change in our national Anthem? I'm not criticizing on it but its rather awkward in a sense which I'll mention later. I know that Singapore used to be a Malay fishing village before the Brits took over (colonized) Singapore. And when the Japanese too over we sung their anthem, now we have Majulah Singapura composed by Zubir Said, in 1958. Ok here's the thing, I love the tune and music along with it, but to be honest, i think it should be sung in English instead, why? cause were no longer part of malaya and due to the significant growth of English Speakers (This includes the Chinese Indian, Malays and other ethnic groups), I guess its time we revised our national anthem. To me, its something like the Belgium singing in French and the Poles singing in Russian.

&--Thursday, March 5, 2009 ; 1:42 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ "When there are men, There will be war"
loving you always ♥

I Found some really interesting stuff on the net lately and it not only took my attention but as well as a few other Singaporeans from Stomp when a thread was made to discuss about some little issues. I swear i had problems reading Chinese and i don't excel in it so I'm just gonna type it out here from what I've translated from. here's the link:

ProLamer said: uneducated wild animal.
My reply: It looks like you haven't yet seen the faces of your own people, talk about education? is your country's education system even comparable to us, Singapore?
yoko.coco said: 赞同,新加坡太多这样的人,自以为是,看不起中国人,把自己的祖宗都卖了 Endorsed, Singapore too many such people, self-righteous, look down on Chinese people, their ancestors were sold.
My reply: 看不起中国人? A country with cheats, litter-bugs, poor hygene, lacks upbringings, china would definitely be rated first for that. Its a fact even the world agrees. Go ask around then i wanna see you pricks wasting your time.
wenwen0303 said: Singapura small places, are close relatives marry and have children, so each generation stupid, not the quality of each generation.
呵,没希望了! Oh, no hope!
My reply: "Better than a country with millions to feed and the people worth no more than a penny."
minmin535 said: This means that the Singapore Chinese is also Chinese people
但是他们不承认自己是中国人 But they do not acknowledge that they are Chinese people.
My reply: Are you blind? Don't you even see the big difference between you and me? we don't have lil eyes which seems like we had to squint whenever we wanna look around. LOLL
More奸人Kennedy said: 真可笑。 Really ridiculous. 你低能吗? Low energy you do? 新加坡人说得英语美国人听不懂? Singaporeans speak English do not understand American? ? 笑死人了! Ridiculous!
my reply: Do you even know your alphabets from A to Z? i bet you and your sister Taiwan have people who cant even utter a simple phrase in English. Learn your alphabets before you talk about others speaking poor English.

These people or rather, humans are from China. Of course they do name calling and flame Singaporeans cause they know we hate them and despice them. However, we do the same too, so what exactly is the problem? We have our own culture and the way were brought up, its just not right for everyone to generalize a group of people as a whole country itself.

Moral of the Story which goes, "A Hippo calling a Pig fat"


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iMac 24" desktop pc
Logitech 5.1 system
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20nM Green laser

8th - Eldwin,Stephen H.
14th - Nicholas Anthoney
17th - Wei Cheng Heng
21st - Richard D. Winters, Tiffany Chen
24th - LiHuang
26th - Mette Jørgensen

5th - Jing Song
14th - Michelle Leong, Fang Qing

3rd - Cheryl Tan(DMIT),Leon Rheeder
8th - Jason Chng
15th - Rina
17th - Lim Jun Yi,Tong ShiHui
22nd - Khazrol
23rd - Peiwen Kwok
25th - Qing Ren

3rd - Cheryl Cheang

2nd - Evelyn Chua
8th - Ivy Toh
11th - Richard Feynman
18th - Kellyn Wee
21st - Gwendolyn khong
27th - Mum's Birthday
29th - Milissa Qce
30th - Param Charleston

4th - Cecilia Kong
9th - Clarence Wong
11th - Rachel Ong
18th - Jaslyn Ng

3rd - Chelsea Low
11th - Mira
13th - Nadya Wijaja
19th - WanFong

12th - Erwin Schrodinger
16th - Kieran Lim
23rd - Min Er, Wei Kiat
30th - kristin
31st - ZhengWei

8th - ManYong
9th - Alexia Ang
21st - Jon Tan,Rayson Choo, Lim Wei Jie(KP)
26th - Prescilla
28th - Nadzirah(SP)

3rd - Jessie Ho
7th - Neils Bohr, PooSiang
9th - Meryl Cho
14th - Dwight D. Eisenhower
19th - GuanTing

1st - Pearson Wu
5th - Syikin
6th - Chik Jun Qi
12th - Candy Yeo
14th - Velvet May
23rd - Dad's Birthday

1st - Estelle
2nd - Michelle Chong
18th - Juyee Ong
21st - Cheryl Lai
23rd - Janice Tan
24th - Catherine,Marshall Lok
26th - Corrine Lau
30th - Alvin Khong
31st - Cecilia knudsen

click here for the links :D

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