&--Sunday, May 31, 2009 ; 8:56 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Rants
loving you always ♥
I wanted to come along for the Spongebob outing but i thought someone was going so i was thinking, nah i'd rather be elsewhere instead so i told the others i've got other stuff to see to which is quite true, i had to settle my other assignments, take a nap cuz i seriously need to recover 6 hours of not sleeping through the night.
You'll never understand. He's just a flirt.
So what if he understands you more.
Do you think he's the right guy for you?
Have you ever thought of whats gonna happen..
In the future? I can tell you. I don't want you to feel hurt.
At the same time this pisses me off totally.
Why is it so hard for some people to see the truth.
I can proudly tell you that i stand strong.
40 people going against me is totally nothing.
I don't care what they see in me. I'm only waiting
for the day you regret on your decision.
And they start to suffer the consequences.
Which i also hope you don't. Don't feel sorry for me.
I don't cry for you leaving me. I cry for you;
for being blind, ignorant and too trustworthy.
People can treat you well, that doesn't mean they are nice.
Don't be offended but you think he truely loved you?
I only have a comment. " LOLOL".
Wake up to reality. There are better guys out there.
I can tell you now, i'm not waiting for you.
I just don't want you to suffer in the end just like your ex.
I don't wanna tell you this cuz i know you would
Probably say i'm telling a lie. lol
&--Saturday, May 30, 2009 ; 8:29 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Param's Birthday at OCH (Old Changi Hospital)
loving you always ♥
I thought of an idea of birthdays at OCH so i told Param why not lets try having a little celebration there for fun and excitement. So you know Me, Param and Marina decided to go there that evening after 1 week of plans at first there were more guys including, Eugene, Raam, Anna, Jon, Ben and a few others but they couldn't make it that evening :(
So we met at Tampines at about 11pm plus only to realize that we missed the last bus (29) to changi so we decided to take a cab down i wanted to tell the taxi driver take us to OCH but he's gonna freak out if so cuz were like, asking him to bring us there in the middle of the night. We brought a lil slice of cake for offering and a candle along with it. First stop was changi Village we had our supper, chat a while and stuff before walking over to OCH.
We reached there after a few mins walk, waited at the bus stop, took my m4 carbine out, param took my m8000 cougar along with him, a torch for marina and we walked in just like that. I was hoping we would be alone that night but damn... There were like a whole bunch of other people there as well, if i remembered there's like a total of 8 groups and 10 guys per group walking randomly around the place its like it totally defeats the purpose of getting freaked out in the middle of the night. But it was wonderful. We climbed over to the roof of och on the upper floors and took pictures and rendezvous with one of the group there. They were a friendly bunch and we are like the only group with only 3 peeps LOL. So we took random images of some of the places we think looks rather cool! Me and Param simply loved the idea of sneaking around with a carbine and a pistol its just so fucking awesome!
Then after about 3 hours there we decided to sing a birthday song to Param and we left the place and headed for Changi Village hawker center to have a drink. Were so fuken shagged and we decided to look for cardboard and lay them on the ground and we take a short nap before dawn breaks in. But ended up having a chat with some of the people there and a homeless man he's really friendly and ended up chatting for like an hour plus. Were talking about whats life is if we hadn't got a job and staying off the streets though it sucked but i seriously admire his will to live. Hope were gonna chance upon him some time our next visit to och. So we left and took bus 2 to tanah merah and off for a trainie back home. Slept for the whole day when i got back! hahas
Happy birthday Param once again
&--Friday, May 29, 2009 ; 1:26 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Barrett M82A1
loving you always ♥
One of the most feared modern firearm is a .50 calibre semi-auto sniper rifle. The Barrett M82. This rifle, mainly used by the military as a weapon to take down strategic enemy radar or to stop a moving target such as a vehicle. With its enormous punch, a well placed shot could easily stop a vehicle. Have you wondered what would happen if it was shot at a human body? Well... Lets see..
At 1000 yrds the bullet is gonna have more power than a .44 magnum pointing blank range. Like in movies you'll see blood effects splashing out of the back of the head. However, at that distance the bullet will come down directly on top of you, due to the trajectory, your basically lobbing a bullet up and back down. Here's the graphic part. The hydrostatic shock that follows the bullet will be so powerful it will peel you apart like tearing a banana. You would have limbs flying 20 ft in all directions. So technically it destroys you at that instance and it would be pretty much like a grenade effect from 5 ft away. If there were to be a funeral for your body it would be a closed casket assuming you can find all the parts. =D If you've seen RamboIV the movie, he'd get on the .50 machine gun, blowing heads off and stuff so technically that would be rather accurate if its done in real situation but from a farther distance it would be catastrophic. you realize that a .50 is also used against light armoured vehicles and targets through concrete walls. So as far as power concerns, inside this barrett .50 cal round it's probably the most powerful machine gun and sniper rifle you'll ever combine.
The Barret M82 is a semi auto light .50 cal. most snipers of that cal are a bolt but the barret is a remarkable gun for the technology, semi autos tend to be less accurate than bolt. but i know that the M82 can take a lethal shot from beyond 1740yds cold bore.
Watch this video on how this guy fires his M82A1 and later at the end of the video sees how it yanks off the 40lb steel plate from the pole. The sound of it is simply epic! I would want to fire one of this guns when i;m still alive. =D
&--Thursday, May 28, 2009 ; 1:03 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Assumptions
loving you always ♥
S5C breakup, surely there's a reason for that.
I shan't explain more and you know it yourself.
You hear, you assume, but never to confirm.
Heard of this? "
Blut ist dicker als Wasser"
It means" Blood is thicker than water" in German.
Please figure out that part i won't explain it.
There's also an old saying which goes,
pot calling the
kettle black". This refers to a particular
Thinking that
they are trustworthy? think again. lol
Its not what you hear is to be believed its only if,
you have seen it with your own eyes. Have you?
Time will tell between the good and evil.
Its what i would love to summarize all.
Lies can never be covered. The truth is already out there.
Emotions can never be hidden cause you cant hide it physically.
You wished to seek the truth, you have to look for it yourself.
In life we all make choices, Its up to you to decide.
Cuz i won't stop you. I have warned you since,
I bet you took for granted. Those who knows.
Have already left. Those who stayed are like the
"Birds of the same feather flock together".
I don't bicker nor made a kerfuffle out of anything.
I merely stated a fact which was present in today's
politics. Period.
&--Wednesday, May 27, 2009 ; 8:59 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Barrett M468 review
loving you always ♥
Although its old news from a couple of years back i would like to share a short review to promote Barrett. Barrett [of Murfreesboro, TN] which was previously producing only 50 cal BMG rifles, is now one of the first manufacturers to offer a rifle chambered for the Remington 6.8mm SPC cartridge. This 6.8mm lies between the 5.56 Nato round used in the M16 and the 7.62 round used on the ak. However, this round packs a punch which i will go into a detailed explanation later. Barrett, currently promoting it for their law enforcements and military use is now selling a civilian version (the M468 with semiauto only and fixed stock), saying it "opens new hunting opportunities in states where the 5.56 is too small for larger game."
The rifle
Barrett's M468 (the name derived from M4 and 6.8) is a virtual clone of the Mk-12 Variant "Recce" (a Navy Seal designation). It's an M4 rifle made in both selective-fire (for military or law enforcement) and semi-automatic-only versions (for the general public).
Like the "Recce" rifle, the M468 uses the mid-length (piston) gas system developed by Mr. Mark Westrom, of ArmaLite. The M468-A1 comes equipped with the A.R.M.S. Mid-Length Selective Integrated Rail (S.I.R.) System and #40-A low Profile front Sight. The M468-A1 also uses the SOPMOD Folding Front Sight from Precision Reflex, Inc. along with PRI's new 6.8mm magazine.
The M468 has a muzzle brake and suppressor mounting threads just in front of the front sight. With the suppressor, the report was much like a .22 short.
Barrel length is 16 inches (6 groove, 1-in-10 RHT). Barrels are match grade. Overall length is 35.5 inches for the civilian semi-automatic with fixed synthetic stock. The LE version's stock can be collapsed to reduce overall length to 32 inches.
According to the web page; 5, 10, and 28-round magazines are available. [The article mentions a 26-round PRI magazine.]
The rifle weighs 7.3 lbs., according to the web page, with no accessories. [The article says 7.5 lbs.].
The 6.8mm SPC round
Whether the 6.8mm Special Purpose Cartridge (SPC) will ever be used by the military remains in doubt. Johnston says "the enemies of the project are coming out like insects from the woodwork."
The 6.8mm SPC was a grass-roots initiative originating in the Special Forces, 5th Group - Airborne, and the Army Marksmanship Unit (AMU). It is based on the obsolete .30 Remington case. It may be the victim of "not invented here" thinking by military program managers.
[While XM8s with 6.8mm barrels have been tested, it seems more likely the standard issue XM8, if adopted as the replacement for the M16/4 family of rifles, will be chambered for 5.56mm. The military is currently scrambling to set up larger 5.56mm contracts, as the next post notes.]
Johnston feels the round is here to stay for LE and civilian use.
Johnston claims the 6.8mm SPC "out shoots" the 7.62x39mm, 5.45x39mm, 5.56x45mm, and 6.5mm Grendel; but the article offers no data to substantiate this claim in this article. Perhaps he did in his 2-part story in the March and April issues of SOF.
I know some people who would take issue with the assertion the 6.8mm SPC is superior to the Grendel -- especially at longer ranges. See this earlier ACE post.
[See several ACE articles on the 6.8mm SPC and the Grendel by clicking on the WEAPONS AND FIREARMS category in the right sidebar].
Johnston says the cartridge fires a 115-grain Hornady Match or Sierra Match .270 caliber bullet at 2600fps from a 16-inch barrel M16-type rifle, and has the same trajectory as the M118 7.62mm NATO Match cartridge.
Ammo availability
Remington sells the 6.8mm SPC now (Johnston says it cannot make it fast enough), and Hornady and Federal will soon offer it. Other manufacturers, such as Winchester and Wolf, are considering offering it.
Some AR-15 magazines will feed 6.8mmm SPC satisfactorily for practice, and there may soon be a program to modify AR-15 magazines to reliably feed either 5.56mm or 6.8mm cartridges.
All chamber reamer manufacturers now have 6.8mm chamber reamers, and most major barrel manufacturers will have 6.8mm 1-in-10 inch twist match-grade barrels available.
Firing was limited to 25 yards, so no accuracy data was obtained. Johnston expects 1 MOA accuracy, equivalent to a PRI 6.8mm rifle he has fired.
The demo rifles at Las Vegas sported the Trijicon ACOG sight, the Eotech Military/Police Reflex sight, the Aimpoint Comp M2, and a Leupold sight (to signify the rifle can be used for sharpshooting).
Johnston quotes the effective range (for terminal incapacitation) as 600+ yards.
Thanks to SOF from Airborne Combat Engineer for the information listed.
&-- ; 12:40 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Happy birthday mum!
loving you always ♥
Today's mum's birthday! So well happy birthday to you mum! Really great to have you around always and wanna thank you for everything you have sacrificed with dad to bring me up. I'll promise to work hard for my studies now and achieve good results and not let other stuff affect me. Stay healthy! :)
I'm like, so dead tired today cuz i slept really late yesterday and if i remembered was about 3.30am so when i woke up i was like damn can i go back to sleep so dad decided to drive me to school. Hahas thanks for the ride though! Java server programming in the morning. wow i just love this module and the lecturer's just awesome! What ever he teach just sinks in my head (no matter how friggin tired i am). yeah and i'm like, sitting in the club room with a couple of mates were just chilling out here
Param's gonna meet me l8r at 1pm and
WeiKiat's coming along. Might meet
Corrine at 3 and i wanna go Bugis! its been a while since i've been there to shop around. hahas
&--Tuesday, May 26, 2009 ; 10:37 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Little humans
loving you always ♥
There are a group of people i would admire most cause they are simply a bunch of dirtbag to the society which only promotes their own stereotype. How wonderful innit? It would also probably be the most interesting "specie" of human beings i've met on Earth! why? you would spread your "disease" to other unsuspecting victim, turning them into your own kind. Wow doesn't that sound like a deadly pest? Looks like its time to invite the local sanitizing unit down to get rid of these pests. hahaha! Well, the truth is already out there, its whether you choose to accept it or not. You have the choice to make the decision cause even if you made a wrong move you've realize whats been going on. Only the smart ones are "unplugged" so its least likely you'll see them around getting "diseases" from those "specie". Sometimes i laughed to myself. I didn't know you had to do all that just to make an ass out of yourself. I'ts so cool sitting back and watch the drama. hahahhas Weaklings! =)
&--Monday, May 25, 2009 ; 9:44 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ one of a kind!
loving you always ♥
We have seen many types of camouflage on battle rifles such as woodlands, digital, tiger strips and etc.. But what you'll see below would be something i've never seen so i thought i would share with you guys. There ya go. Well this an ar15 probably manufactured by DPMS there's so many variants of the carbine sometimes i get confused.

Looks cool at first but no way i'm gonna carry it to a range if i ever have one of this hahas!
&--Sunday, May 24, 2009 ; 3:37 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Old memories
loving you always ♥
I remembered how life was when i was younger. I was born in Tampines Street 42, I could still remember the HDB mansionette which i used to live in for a couple of years before we moved to a condominium at Mariam Way. I loved the life there as it was back then. There were like 3 bedrooms on the upper floor and it runs along a corridor before leading to a flight of stairs to my hall. Its a huge elongated hall which stretches the dining area to the living room. From young, my parents used to emply a domestic helper to help us with house work and stuff when my siblings were still studying and i was like 4-5 years old.
So when we moved to Mariam Way life changed, Seemed rather monotone at first cause i missed my neighbours. Especially
Bryan and
Loraine. Till today.. we kinda lost contact cuz they migrated to Perth. So its like, life sucks for sure now that i know they were gone. So i made new friends there, there's
Daryl and
Nickholas living just on my left,
Benjamine and another living on the 8th. Were fun guys at first when things got nasty when we started sneaking off each other's pokemon cards, well those were the days i swear to you. hahas sneaky lil bastards innit? LOL. So i used to swim a lot cause we had a swimming pool, and its where i learnt how to swim. The depth goes as deep as 1.8 metres but i used to be around 1.7m plus or so i cant remember i had to tip toe to get my head off the surface of the water. So i stayed around the 1.4m section to be safe lmao.
During the construction of another convo just beside ours. An event took place. Its something not many would know about and it was classified, wasn't in the news though. There's like a 13 foot long 5 foot tall bomb found just half a klick away from my block, along the field by the side road which leads in the construction site. Called the army, extraction unit and the police, there's like a whole company of men down there the extraction point. They dug a pretty deep trench, enclosed the bomb (its a world war 2 armed bomb which probably failed to go boom!) in it and fill the trench with dirt. A couple of mins later it went BOOM! Freaking loud, somewhat like those you see in a movie just the dirt don't go flying sky high. Pretty much it. Dad took a vid of it i see if i could find it in the archive i'll put it here.
Played lots of Squash and sometimes Tennis with a couple of mates and i remembered how i got trashed badly by my bro-in-law when we played squash. dad joined in too if i remembered well that was a couple of years back so yeah memories do get washed off. Then DAD decided to buy another house this time in the Central so we bought one in Geylang. Those of you who doesn't know about property probably gonna think that Geylang's a crap place to live in. Its a 15 min journey to town and you tell me its a crap place? =P hahas no offence but yeah i love that place its where i'm living now. So we rented out our condo and moved to Geylang instead. its where i'm living now. lovely!
&--Friday, May 22, 2009 ; 8:15 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ New Life.
loving you always ♥
I guess its time i leave DMIT club for good. I have done my part as a Group Leader and tried my best to be one, now that the freshmen Orientation Reunion is over, its time i let go of everything. I see no point staying since i see not much liking in me. I had a great time knowing a bunch of seniors,
Ian just to name a few. its thanks to them i am what i am today. However, its just i don't feel the warmness in the club which somehow irks me, i feel disturbed, insecure cause i know there are people who dislike my presence. its pretty obvious though. Besides, i'm not hard up for friends i've been trained up to work alone. And for your information. A mistake is not a mistake unless its been pointed out. :)
Uh and thanks
Param now that i'm in SP photographers really enjoyed hanging out with your bunch of friends they were awesome! I've also decided to go back to Jap Culture Club though thought its a good chance to meet some old buddies. See you guys during the cca camp! hahahas
Well thats all for today! (:
I don't believe in BFF.
Its an illusion which has been made.
I would rather lose a friend,
than to hope.
Great knowing you all these while.
Really glad you became a happy person once again.
I believed i have done my part. its up to him to carry on.
Take care and see you in a few months, probably year, maybe never
Bye. (:
&-- ; 1:07 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ interesting...
loving you always ♥
What if everything was a lie?
Could there is a probability things might not be what it seems.
Its like a murder scene?
What if the murderer was actually the
victim and,
the supposed
victim was actually the one behind it?
Well no one knows exactly for sure! its for people to find out.
I guess, its only a while that the truth is been let out.
Everything's been so fake afterall.. What a pity.. hahas
Throughout this time, i'm only waiting to prove that
my judgement has always been right since it has never
failed me till today. So what am i looking for actually?
I have no idea. perhaps an answer which i yearn for the past few years?
But why? Does it even matter? Does that even affect my life?
hmmmmms i shall be the one sitting by the side,
observing... and
&--Wednesday, May 20, 2009 ; 11:37 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Stuff i did these few days
loving you always ♥
Well i missed class on tuesday so i decided to pop by Black Technology to get an ACOG scope from them only to find out that there's only 3 left so i said i'll come back the next day cause i forgot to bring my atm card. But... its all sold out the next day i came by. omg man! Thats not the thing. Even the reflex sights, EOTechs are all sold out too. so i'll have to wait till the next stock arrive i'll be able to buy one for my m4 carbine. I've decided to get the side mount to place my torch on it and i got myself a rifle sling too. It took me a while to figure how i'd tie it from the butt to the muzzle. heh!
Here's some pics of it...

I'm gonna attach the pressure pad for the laser to the forward hand grip soon so it wouldn't just hang loose like that. now this thing weighs almost 3/4 the weight of the original thing. (look at my almost complete spud cannon just near the fire extinguisher and a double barrel shotgun which i bought back in those days when we went to Knotts Berry Farm in America. Its a replica so don't expect it to be real. well i wished i could own my own set of firearms what a
waste i'm Asian...
So today went out with
Corrine and her friends to celebrate someone's birthday and there
khaz came along too! her friends were just as crazy as her! hahas and seriously had fun hanging out with them i don't mind seeing them anytime soon though! We went Plaza Sing, hanged out for a while before having dinner at KFC, and they had to leave soon, so i went shopping by myself walking around. its been a while since i been to Plaza Sing though.
And earlier today, was stressed with my assignments again. I promised
Jovina i'll do the DEUI assignment on my own cause i cant handle DSAL so i had to leave most of the coding to her. I can tell that she's stressed too. I believe were all working hard for good grades we just have to endure since holidays were just around the corner. And my record was 3 cans of coke zero in just 30 mins while was doing my report writing.

Took a Picture with
Prescilla and Thanks to
Desmond. He's a good photographer :) Loved the editing skills cause i myself cant do a good photoshop for nuts! Thats why i've always admired people from DDM. Well for
So on Monday,
Wai Kuong poked me on msn. You know... i thought he was
Prescilla so all the while i was think he was her, talking on totally different stuff he went wtf. until he said, "you talking to wrong person ar". So i was like, OMFG! LOL i had a screenie along with it i keep laughing even till today! hahah!

&--Tuesday, May 19, 2009 ; 3:15 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Lets do some lame shit!
loving you always ♥
Hey friends who's interested to go Old Changi Hospital with me and my buddy Param? We'll be forming a team of 8 and here's the silly part which were gonna do.
Param's gonna be the camera man and he's gonna lug along a pistol and a torch and my night vision goggle.
I'll be carrying a sopmod m4 carbine with my mounted torch and laser
And we'll be combing around the desecrated building like a friggin swat team its gonna be heaps fun! So who's gonna join us! We'll be taking some photos too! I'll keep this updated as well!
&-- ; 3:00 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Neutron Stars: Billions of Times Stronger Than Steel!
loving you always ♥
new computer simulation on the core of neutron stars has revealed that they are indeed extremely dense and is probably 10 billion times stronger that the toughest steel that we know of today. Whats more fascinating is that the surface of the neutron stars can actually generate gravitational (gravity?) waves. Does that mean gravitons are possible to exist? O.o
That incredible strength also means that when neutron stars form they can tolerate some imperfections on their surfaces. In this case, such imperfections can be mountain-sized bumps as heavy as Earth. As those bumps ride the fast-spinning stars, their mass disturbs spacetime enough to generate gravity waves, the simulations by Horowitz and Kadau show. First predicted by Albert Einstein, the waves are disruptions that radiate through the very fabric of spacetime. They travel as fast as light and can stretch every atom they encounter. Scientists have deployed new instruments in recent years in an attempt to observe the waves, but so far they have remained elusive.
&--Monday, May 18, 2009 ; 2:16 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ for you
loving you always ♥
Hallå där, vem är du som ler så fint mot mig?
Hallå där, kom närmre, snälla vänd din blick mot mig.
Jag vill känna hur du andas, hur du finns intill min kropp.
Jag ville röra din hud men då så kom det ett ljud som sa:
Hallå dax att vakna upp, vakna upp.
Varje dag är som en evighet, varje sekund ja det känns som ett år.
Men när jag ser dig i min dröm, ja då vet jag att det går.
Å å å å går att hålla ut tills jag kommer hem till min säng,
för att sedan börja om och bli väckt på morgonen, snälla låt mig somna igen!
Ensam så tvingar jag mig upp, det är då fan att det ska vara så svårt,
Men även om min tid står still så sjunger jag min låt som går;
Hallå där, vem är du som ler så fint mot mig?
Hallå där, kom närmre, snälla vänd din blick mot mig. Mot mig..
&--Sunday, May 17, 2009 ; 10:07 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Events coming up this 2009
loving you always ♥
I'll be organizing a few events up for DMIT club as well as for my other friends so i thought i'd share some of my beta plans hopefully i would get some comments from it. Alright first stop, June holidays. What were gonna have then.
#1: purely Overnight cycling at ECP which covers a total distance of 36 km which starts from ECP and ends at Changi Village. Date to be confirmed. Route will be drawn as soon as this outing plan goes broadcast level.
#2: Barbecue at ECP mainly for my ex-stomp friends to sort of bring everyone back. Somewhere towards the end of june. will be planning with Pearson.
#3: A visit to Old Changi Hospital and i'll be planning the route to be taken in the hospital. max number of people to be expected. 50 pax. Careful plans and equipments will be needed and its gonna be a must have event this year :D I'm looking forward to it.
#4: Pool/Billards outing at orchard: Lucky Plaza and this will be anytime during the weekends.
Stay tuned i'll be adding more
&--Friday, May 15, 2009 ; 9:06 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Changed.
loving you always ♥
Omg after so long using the default skins from blogger I've decided to make a change! Sorry its a weebit gay but i just love pink! RIGHT CORRINE? LOLS now i'll just need to add some javascripts to make this blog a lil more eyecandy. (Due to its so boring stuff it has in it...) I shall keep ya all updated yeah?
And uh.. once again, i was late for class today. And just right after the first class this morning i had a great chat with
Jovina and
Moe and i was just showing them some of the greatest inventions that were present in the 21st century as well as some of my interests i had when i was younger. They were totally amazed and yeah i mean, i shouldn't be living here after all. I should have been living in the states instead.
Right after class head for lunch to kfc and met a bunch of random mates so decided to have a lil chat with them. And thanks
Corrine and
JunHao for today... you guys were my savious and i really appreciate such friends around. :) Thanks once again... I felt much better. I've already decided. I shall put everything aside and concentrate on my studies instead! Friends are also better than nothing ;) And omg we camwhored like crazy! hahah!

&--Thursday, May 14, 2009 ; 10:32 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Tired...
loving you always ♥
I've been exhausted these few days and seriously lost the motivation and mood to keep things going, i have no idea why i don't like it and this sucks i just need a remedy to stop this. i didn't know stuff this day would even happen, i dunno why I'm talking less to you its probably cause I'm simply lost. I don't know how to treat you as a friend since we've been more than friends back then. Uh i didn't want to ask you cause i know its gonna affect you. I aint gonna give up hope; though hope is like an illusion which leads to disappointment.
I was late for my first module again and lucky its DEUI(Design User Interface) where were using flash to create animations and other things we'll be learning soon. Thankfully it wasn't the day that we're officially starting off actionscript3.0. I haven't learnt that before and i don't wanna miss the basics.
And despite how bloody sleepy i was, when i was in the train earlier when i left school i gave up my seat for a pregnant woman, cause some dimwits (foreign asians) who were just sitting opposite her didn't even let off their seats. What a graceful society we asians are brought up in. Maybe a little generalizing but this is a fact.
&--Tuesday, May 12, 2009 ; 9:00 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Hope is the sign of dispair
loving you always ♥
Ich kann, Sie sich fühlen… Aber ich liebte Sie noch. folglich, trotz, was Sie früh gesagt haben, würde ich Sie noch warten. Obgleich Sie sagten, waren Sie unsicher; und das waren Sie nicht bereit zu lieben; Ich weiß, tief innerhalb Ihres Herzens, gibt es einen Platz für mich. Sie sind mein und nur, und Sie sind das; ich habe seit mein vorhergehendes gesucht. Ich hoffe, dass Sie meine Freundin eines Tages sind, es würde die größte Ausführung sein, die ich überhaupt erhalten habe. Ich habe Zeit betrogen und Zeit hat folglich, gebeten um eine Rückerstattung. Die Rückerstattung verletzte mich wenig, aber ich erklärte mich. Es gibt nichts, sich traurig ungefähr zu fühlen, verursachen, wir sind noch Freunde. Ich schaue vorwärts zum Tag, dass Sie schließlich bereit sind; um ein Verhältnis und das zu haben, gewinne ich Ihr Herz, bin ich nicht für Sie hoffnungslos, noch bin ich lüstern für Liebe. Ich hoffe gerade, Sie zurückweise mich nicht. ich hoffe gerade, der Tag… komme, damit wir Paare sind. Ich liebe dich sehr viel.
&--Friday, May 8, 2009 ; 12:17 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ I felt bad...
loving you always ♥
I'm so sorry that i didn't talk to you much these few days and you thought i was emotional... After i reflected on it i just realize i made you upset and uneasy about it. i do feel, i should treat you better and be someone you could count on to protect you as, i haven't been doing enough for you.. I could have done better... :) Did you know, that when you were crying just today, Its only after a while that i realize cause i wasn't by your side when it happened. It hurts me a lot after i found out and to the point i cried a little after a few of them informed me about the situation.
So i told myself, i must be there for you. so i waited. Of course, i did some of my Java assignment along and had a great chat with my friend who was with me. After seeing your smiles, it brightened by my mood and i would like to thank everyone for cheering you up and i'm glad that there are friends who cares about you. :) Dear.. cheer up okay? I'll be there when you need me.
He who does not cherish you should not deserve your love;
That one day, till the time he realize his wrong doings,
it shall be too late, There are things, we cannot hope to change,
the change is up to the person himself, If he doesn't accept it,
there is nothing we could do.. (: