&--Saturday, September 26, 2009 ; 2:33 PM EldwinSchrodinger @ Schrodinger's Virus saves the cat's day
loving you always ♥
It was known that in 1935, Erwin Schrodinger devised his famous thought experiment – in which a cat is both alive and dead at the same time – to highlight the paradoxical nature of quantum mechanics. Now, a group of physicists in Germany and Spain believe that it should be possible to build an experiment in which an actual living creature such as a virus is held in a superposition of quantum states.
The idea of the experiment is where we imagine a cat is being placed in box where it contained a glass filled with poison toxic, where near the glass there is a radioactive substance, a hammer and a Geiger counter. Its made/set up in a way that if the radioactive substance decays it will activate the hammer and smash the glass killing the cat. Since the radioactive material is so weak, there is a 50:50 chance of decay, which means, Quantum mechanics would tells us that the material would be in a quantum superposition of both experiencing a decay and not. Which therefore, also places the cat in the quantum superposition. Meaning, being both dead and alive.
However, there a plan to use a single cell organism to do the job rather than using cats, hence, i would say it would be a good news for cat lovers and cats, to read on check out this link,
Like finally i'm home but parts of me still missed Turkey despite getting sick of the food and missing our local cuisine. I remembered my first day when we departed from Singapore on a 7 hr flight to Dubai and later another 3 hrs to Turkey Istanbul, Dubai airport was beautiful! I bet its like many times better than Singapore's but no doubt since they are like a hub where planes stop over to refill especially where those which travels from East to West of the globe.
upon arrival we met our tour guide but crap i forgot his name even until today. LOL. Yeah so we went to see the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia. Hagia Sophia was once a Church when later it was converted to a mosque which later became a museum. Google to read on if you're interested. We've learn lots during this trip and one would be the women having equal rights as the men. Which means the men are not allowed to have many wives. What surprises me mostly is that the women there are not obliged to cover their head which other Muslim countries makes it a compulsory. (Correct me if i'm wrong) So we went to various places in turkey including Çanakkale, Bolu, Cappadocia and most parts of Anatolia.
Like I've said, I've had a bad experience in a hotel that we were staying at Cappadocia and the worse thing is that we are staying there for 2 NIGHTS. I'm not mentioning the name of it as i don't want to destroy the image of that hotel, in fact, i loved the food there. I'm a non believer in most stuff including supernatural stuff and even believing in god but its only today that i think i would start believing in Mother Mary and stuff and i will lug along a rosary for protection whenever i enter a hotel.
This hotel was special, the lift doors weren't automatic, it was like a fridge door where you have to pull open the door when it reaches the level your are at, and you enter the lift, it was interesting! At first we waited at the lift lobby like idiots people were watching us also and we didn't know the lift was "manual" LOLOL! Until someone opened for us and we were like WTF?! yeah and so we went up to our rooms and the corridor was creepy as hell and reminded me of the movie "1408". The corridor was dark as they had motion censors to save electricity. And one by one the corridor lits up as we walked. I just feel some weird feeling like as if someone was watching me from somewhere it was creepy. My mood changed and i was quiet throughout the night, i don't know why but i just felt pissed and angry, i walked in my room i can already feel the strong presence of something. No shit but really there is something there. My cousin didn't feel it cuz she's a catholic and she has her rosary. To tell the truth i didn't bathe that night until the next day, mum had her own encounter which i think it went to her room. The next evening wasn't so bad cause it left my room so i felt much better.
So when i got back to Singapore after like 10 days i was telling myself, " YAYS i'm home, and i got so tired of Turkish food, i mean, its nice eating for the first few days with cheese, bread, Turkish salad and stuff, but you'll just get tired of it after the 5th day or so that happened to me. And Annabelle was like lucky we weren't taking Turkish Air home like the others in my group or its gonna be another night of Turkish delight. LOLOLOLOLOLL!
And we took SIA instead, service was good and i kinda talked chat with this air stewardess and she was pretty nice but sadly she got to stop over at Dubai so yeah hope to see her around some time. When they gave the menu for dinner i was like OMFG CHICKEN BREAST MEAT AGAIN? i was likeeee NO WAY!! I'm gonna fish instead! :D as usual, my all time favorite Baileys Irish Cream and i ordered like thrice so far. So, back to Singapore and i helped Annabelle bought some whiskey for her friend and here's what happened.
*Queues up at the duty free for 5 mins* Upon reaching the counter, the cashier asked, "Hi welcome, is that all you are purchasing? You are entitled to purchase a bottle of wine, wiskey and a box of beer." upon looking at my passport, she said " Sorry but sir we only sell to those who are departing, for arrivals please visit the duty free shop just below." another potential FML. LOL.
&--Saturday, September 12, 2009 ; 1:01 AM EldwinSchrodinger @ Note to iTouch/iPhone 3.0 users
loving you always ♥
Recently there is a new update for Firmware 3.0 for your iTouch or iPhone, please be reminded that once again, if you intent to update your iTouch YOUR IPOD WILL BE UN JAILBROKENED. Which means you need to jailbreak it again. And the home dev team of redsn0w and quickpwn hasn't come out with a jailbreak tool yet. So the keyword is, stay on the 3.0 as for now till there are further updates.
&--Tuesday, September 1, 2009 ; 10:08 PM EldwinSchrodinger @ Suppressors, Subsonic and Supersonic rounds
loving you always ♥
Here's a simple/N00b explanation on how Suppressors work but if you want a more detailed answer Google it :P. A sound suppressor, often known as silencers, is a device attached to the barrel of the firearm to reduce muzzle flash as well as sound. However, they do not eliminate 50% of the noise or completely reduces the sound from firing from the gun. They are normally cylindrical shaped with various mechanism in it which reduces flash and sound by slowing the escaping gas and the bullet's velocity. And, Silencers are used to quiet down the "explosion" in the barrel and not quieting the sound of the bullet as it escapes the barrel.
In games like Call of Duty 4, Suppressors seemed to eliminate like 70% of the original sound but i won't say its impossible but, it can only be achieved by choosing the right munition for it. So lets all come back to reality! A 22 LR produces a sound over 160 dB. With suppressors it eliminates the noise to 130. So in other words, you gotta wear a safety ear protection muffs when you're firing over the safe limit of 85dB.
There are 2 types of ammunition which are present today, They are the Sub and supersonic ammunition. Supersonic ammunition are commonly used and they make a "crack" sound when it travels in the air. This is due to the velocity of the bullet. While, subsonic bullets are also used not only for military covert operations, but for animal control officers and others who need to use a nearly silent or legal suppressed firearm to avoid alarming other animals, upsetting nearby livestock, or bothering the neighbors. Sometimes the use of a suppressed weapon in civilian animal control situations is politically wise, as it allows the necessary use of firearms without attracting undue attention from irrational activist groups. Subsonic bullets in legal suppressed firearms are also fun to shoot for target practice, eliminating the sonic crack that requires hearing protection, disturbs neighbors, and frightens livestock. So if you used a Subsonic bullet with a suppressor. That's where the game comes to reality. (or i think it would? lol)
Here's a demonstration of a .308 subsonic and supersonic Winchester ammunition fired 3 of each from a suppressed Remington 700 rifle.
Ammunition used in this video, Supersonic Federal .308 168gr Gold Match. Subsonic .308 Engel Ballistic Research EBR 180gr thumper
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Honda Civic
Black and white flop flops
Gen 2 ATN Monoculars
Asus eee pc
Oakley shades
Macbook pro 17" ipod touch 2g iMac 24" desktop pc Logitech 5.1 system
1x30 Acog Chevron Scope 20nM Green laser
8th - Eldwin,Stephen H.
14th - Nicholas Anthoney
17th - Wei Cheng Heng
21st - Richard D. Winters, Tiffany Chen
24th - LiHuang
26th - Mette Jørgensen