&--Friday, October 30, 2009 ; 12:14 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Bacteria would be the next player in ultra-micro mechanisms?
loving you always ♥
A Group of Italian Scientists have made an interesting discovery about having random tiny objects placed in a pool of micro-organisms such as bacteria. One example would be the use of miniature asymmetrically shaped cog wheels which are just a few hundreds of a millimeters. The random movements of the bacteria in the cog wheels causes it to spin. Scientists are hoping potentially provide a macroscopic source of energy. To read more on this refer to this article
&--Thursday, October 29, 2009 ; 9:37 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ When our human perception of "touch" meets physics
loving you always ♥
Do you think you are actually grabbing hold of a mug which has in it, your all time favorite cappuccino? Or do you even think that you are resting on the chair? We'll look into that when i take you to a journey into the the world of atoms and space. Did you know that at one point our galaxy could be packed into the size no larger than that of a microscopic organism? Yes indeed. Most of our everyday things that we have, beer bottles, your ipod and whatever matters we considered as "matters" are quite nearly vacuums. Most of our interactions with everyday things are caused my tiny bits of gravitational and electromagnetic forces between the atoms.
However, i agree with some of the professionals telling me that "Touch" is subjective but as we all know that most of what we think of as "matters"; even metals are about 99.999999% "empty space." Strange isn't it? So if that's the case, i would be guessing some questions such as "So why aren't we able to walk through walls then or even fall through them?" Like i said, electromagnetic repulsions on the atom scale prevents this from happening unless you could somehow arrange all your atoms in your body to somehow "fit" into the wall but no, lets not branch into this as i see lots of people asking the same question in forums.
So yes back to about touching mugs and sitting on chairs. I wouldn't say you are sitting on your chair now; cause if we take a look at the electrons in the outer shell of the atoms, they would repel each other at 10^-8 meters but rather, floating/hovering over it.
As far as our perceptions of how solid structure goes, a mate once said, like when you're having sex, you are merely exchanging protons with no physical touch between the atom of... (lolol i don't wish to continue further but you'll get the point) WaveJumper(PhysicsForums)you do have a sense of humor.
And yes don't underestimate Electromagnetic forces. its MUCH MUCH stronger than Gravitational force though you still feel the weigh on you doing pushups. But if you would like to give a shot to test electromagnetism, Strike a hammer to a boulder. See how it "repels" :P (This might be noobs to the experts but it drives the idea i thought it would be a better easy visual experiment).
Give your thought. Correct me if I'm wrong. ;D
&--Tuesday, October 27, 2009 ; 9:26 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Is this invented?
loving you always ♥
I've got a multi-million dollar idea which i thought of sharing with you guys. I'm not sure if its already been made but its worth giving a go at it. We all know that dive schools are fun and interesting and often people could dive in the blue sea to enjoy the lovely sight of corals and other sea creatures. However, accidents do happen. My cousin died a few years back while he was on a holiday trip to one of the Asian countries and he was there for some leisure diving. But apparently he was left out when the leader miscounted him, leaving him stranded in the water, when they set off, the propeller cut him face off which punctured his brains, killing him instantly. That was really sad and you know, I've only met him twice ever since by birth.
But neway i was thinking of a kind of 3D imaging system which there will be a "pinging" device below the boat which occasionally calculates the dept of the water and returns a value to the computer, this computer then generates a 3d meshed image. apart from that, divers are equipped with a tracking system and also returns the approx depth and coords of his/her location in the water. In this way we could track and make sure that no one is left behind. The 3d tracking technology's been out long ago. So its only about implementing it. ;)
&-- ; 7:02 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ 15 most Scariest roller coasters in the world.
&--Wednesday, October 14, 2009 ; 1:05 AM
EldwinSchrodinger @ A Turkish song
loving you always ♥
Well i wanna share a song which is very popular in Turkey and sung during certain wedding celebration. Our guide sang to us and at first we went lol cause when you pronounce the "ha ninnah" which it sounds like a Hokkien profanity. Neway here's how it goes
bir mumdur
iki mumdur
üç mumdur,
dört mumdur on dört mumdur.
bana bir bade doldur,
bu ne güzel düğündür ha ninnah,
ha ninnah ha ninnah.
in translation here's what it means
it is one candle
it is two candle
it is three candle
it is four candle, it is fourteen candle
give me a love-wine
what's a nice wedding, hohoho hohoho
&--Tuesday, October 13, 2009 ; 11:18 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Good laugh
loving you always ♥
Like i said, a good laugh cause you wouldn't want to work in this compound. Check this out; i took this photo when i was walking around Mustafa center week sago and i thought i would share it with you all.
It was probably prank'd by some dude but its still funneh.

&--Friday, October 9, 2009 ; 5:21 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ Korean Grapes = <3
loving you always ♥

I just love eating grapes, until i've tried Korean Grapes, the taste is just right and its texture is somewhat like eating jelly! it costs s$5+ bucks for a punnet and seriously! you pay for the quality and its taste! The texture of these grapes is sinply the best i've tasted; it has got a slightly thicker skin and the flesh comes right off it when you bite on it, something like drinking grape soda or grape candy :p Good stuff!! (Y)
&--Friday, October 2, 2009 ; 3:18 PM
EldwinSchrodinger @ M14 mod0 Enhanced Battle Rifle aka m14-EBR
loving you always ♥
This is a non firing replica of the m14 EBR you see in the game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and i've just completed a matte coat of paint to enhance its looks. I'll say again, this is a non-firing legal replica which the Singapore customs have already approved and its harmless and does not violate the Arms and Explosive Act nor pose a direct threat to the national security. I'll be putting this rifle up for sale at the price of 200 including a scope and a 42" carrier case.

There the Mk14 mod 0 ebr fitted with a king arms night illumination 9x40mm scope.